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How You Can Make Your Free Classified Ads More Profitable
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Tuesday, 27 March 2018
Marketing With Free Classified Ad Websites: List of 265 Free Classified Ad Websites
Marketing With Free Classified Ad Websites: List of 265 Free Classified Ad Websites: If you're posting classified ads to free sites to get more sales for your business then you're going to love this list. Top Clas...
List of 265 Free Classified Ad Websites
If you're posting classified ads to free sites to get more sales for your business then you're going to love this list.

Top Classified Ad Websites (265 Total Sites)
This list contains some of the best free classified ad sites around. We've verified this list and all sites are 100% working as of the time this article was written.
www.10dayads.com |
www.1smartlist.com |
ad4us.com/newpost |
www.adcrust.com |
www.adeex.us |
adeexaustralia.com |
www.adeum.com |
adfreeposting.com/ |
adlandpro.com |
www.ad-mart.co.uk |
www.admaya.in |
adpress.in |
www.adsblue.com |
www.adsciti.com |
www.adsfarm.co.uk |
adsglobe.com |
www.adsglobe.in |
www.adskorner.com/ |
www.adsmantra.com |
adsnity.com |
adsolist.com |
www.adsriver.com/ |
www.adsyellowpages.com/ |
adtoad.com |
advertising-usa-list.blogspot.com |
www.advistas.com |
affari.to |
www.akkiads.com/ |
www.allindiaads.com |
alzod.com |
american-classifieds.net |
www.americanlisted.com |
astrologywebdunia.blogspot.com |
au.freeclassifieds99.com |
www.aufreeads.com |
www.aunetads.com |
b4uads.com |
www.backpage.com |
bangalore.craigslist.co.in |
www.beatyourprice.com/ |
www.bestadboard.com |
www.bestwayclassifieds.com |
www.betternetworker.com |
www.bhartiads.com |
www.biggestclassifieds.com |
www.bizmartindia.com |
bradford-exchange.co.uk |
buysellcart.in |
www.buysellcommunity.com |
www.canetads.com |
chandigarh.freeadsinindia.in |
www.chaosads.com |
citynews.com |
www.classi4u.com |
classified4free.net/ |
classified4u.biz/ |
www.classifiedadhub.com/ |
classifiedads.com |
www.classifiedextra.ca |
www.classifiedneeds.com |
classifiedonlineads.net/ |
classifieds.co.uk |
classifieds.ivarta.com |
classifieds.jagran.com |
classifieds.mybandra.com |
classifieds.propertykhazana.com |
classifieds.webindia123.com |
classifieds.websitegear.com |
classifieds4free.biz/ |
www.classifieds4me.com |
www.classifiedsciti.com/ |
www.classifiedscms.com |
classifiedscrossing.com |
www.classifiedsden.com |
www.classifiedsforfree.com |
classifiedsiteslist.com |
www.classifiedslive.com |
classifieds-uk.co.uk |
www.claz.org |
www.click.in |
www.clickindia.com |
clickooz.com |
www.collegeclassifieds.com |
craigslist.co.uk |
www.craigslist.com |
www.craigslist.org |
cyberexpo.in |
daype.com |
delhi.indiadynamics.com |
delhi.indialist.com |
www.digitalbhoomi.in |
digitalmarketingtrendsnews.blogspot.com |
www.dragg.in |
www.ebayclassifieds.com |
e-classifieds.net |
www.eclassifieds4u.com |
eclassifiedsweb.com |
egaala.com |
eonlineads.com |
www.epageindia.com |
eventsking.com |
ezclassifiedads.com/ |
flegoo.com |
www.fmclassifieds.com/ |
www.freead1.net/ |
www.freeads.in |
www.freeads24.com |
www.freeads24.us/ |
www.freeadsbook.com |
www.freeadsciti.com |
freeadsonline.biz |
freeadvertisingexchange.com |
freebestads.com |
www.free-classifieds.biz |
www.freeclassifieds.com |
freeclassifiedssites.com |
www.freegive.co.uk |
www.freelocalclassifiedads.in |
freewebads.biz/ |
freewebads.us/ |
www.friday-ad.co.uk |
getadsonline.com/ |
glasgowexchange.co.uk |
globalclassified.net/ |
global-free-classified-ads.com |
globe99.com |
www.goodlinksindia.com |
goruncit.com/ |
gumtree.com |
www.hifreeads.co.uk |
hindustan.net |
www.hindustanlink.com |
www.hoobly.com |
www.hotfreelist.com/ |
www.hot-web-ads.com |
www.hot-web-ads.net |
www.howmanyads.com |
hullexchange.co.uk |
ibidfree.com |
iclads.com |
www.indads.in |
india.adhoards.com |
www.indiabook.com |
www.indiaclassifieds.com |
www.india-classifieds.in |
www.indiadial.com |
indiadynamics.com |
www.indialist.com |
www.indnav.com |
www.innetads.com |
www.ipost360.com/ |
italy.marcyads.com |
itsmymarket.com |
www.jaxdesi.com |
www.justforindian.com |
www.justlanded.com |
kalseo.livejournal.com |
www.kedna.com |
www.khojle.in |
www.kijiji.ca |
www.kijiji.com |
kingofdigitalmarketing.blogspot.in |
www.kingwood.com |
www.kugli.com |
listnol.blogspot.com |
www.locatfly.in |
london.kijiji.ca |
www.london-village.co.uk |
www.makesale.com |
www.marketeuro.com |
megasasta.com |
www.milliondeals.review |
www.muamat.com |
www.myaddsposting.blogspot.com |
myaddsposting.blogspot.in |
mypetads.com/ |
newcastleexchange.co.uk |
nris.com |
olx.co.ke |
olx.com.my |
olx.com.ng |
olx.com.pk |
www.olx.in |
olx.pl |
olx.pt |
www.onlinebacklinksites.com |
www.onlineindianclassifieds.com |
www.oodle.com |
www.papaclassifieds.com |
www.pennysaverusa.com |
www.planetclassified.com |
www.postadinusa.com/ |
www.postadusa.com/index.php |
www.postallads4free.com |
postaroo.com |
www.postfreeadshere.com |
www.postfreeclassifiedsites.com |
www.postfreeonlineads.com/ |
posthereads.com/ |
postherefree.com/ |
www.postonlineads.com/ |
postwanga.co.uk |
postyouradforfree.com |
publicdial.com |
quickfinds.in |
quickyads.in |
quikr.com |
www.recycler.com |
www.sahipasand.com |
salonsprite.com |
sell.com |
www.seobacklinksites.com |
www.sinelogix.com |
www.sivaindia.com |
www.smallbizlinks.net |
stacksclassifieds.com |
www.sunclassifiedads.com |
sunderlandexchange.co.uk |
superads.com |
www.tags.com.pk |
tampabaydesi.livejournal.com |
www.tcnext.com |
www.texassuperads.com |
www.thisismyindia.com |
tips4india.in |
www.top1directory.com |
topbestlisted.blogspot.ca |
topbestlisted.blogspot.com |
topbestlisted.blogspot.in |
www.topclassifieds.com |
www.trackagain.com |
www.traderonline.com |
traderzip.com |
www.twarak.com |
www.txclassifieds.org |
www.ukadslist.com |
www.ukfreeads.ws |
united-kingdom.adhoards.com |
united-states.adhoards.com/ |
us.classifieds.sulekha.com |
us.dewalist.com |
www.usadsciti.com |
www.usaonlineclassifieds.com/ |
www.usauk-classifieds.com/ |
www.usfreeads.com |
www.usnetads.com |
vacation-rental-classifieds.com |
www.vancouver-bc.com |
www.vendanything.com |
www.versatilefinder.com |
www.viewfreeads.com |
www.vivastreet.co.in |
www.vivastreet.co.uk |
wakefieldexchange.co.uk |
www.web-classifieds.info |
www.web-free-ads.com |
www.whereincity.com |
www.whynotad.com |
worldfreeads.com |
xoocal.com |
www.yakaz.com |
www.your-ads.co.uk |
ziply.com |
www.zoozads.com/ |
Saturday, 17 March 2018
Saturday, 3 February 2018
List Of High Ranking Free Classified Websites
Hey guys I have now compiled a list of high ranking free classified ad websites. What does that mean? These are sites that have high Alexa rankings meaning that they get tons of visitors. Sure there's lots of free classified sites out there but there's no point posting to them if nobody visits them right? Here is the list below with 2 columns, one is the site url and the other is it's ranking on Alexa.
expatriates.com | 6037 | |
classifiedads.com | 32975 | |
global-free-classified-ads.com | 57869 | |
adpost.com | 60610 | |
locanto.com | 61540 | |
adlandpro.com | 89750 | |
claz.org | 95870 | |
muamat.com | 99181 | |
topclassifieds.com | 118734 | |
yakaz.com | 121048 | |
usnetads.com | 128552 | |
usfreeads.com | 138945 | |
freeadstime.org | 142136 | |
classifieds4me.com | 158531 | |
adsriver.com | 158786 | |
innetads.com | 166242 | |
postallads4free.com | 166518 | |
hot-web-ads.com | 169400 | |
classifiedsforfree.com | 182619 | |
hotfreelist.com | 188470 | |
freead1.net | 190838 | |
ads.meramaal.com | 191866 | |
adsciti.com | 192320 | |
adsyellowpages.com | 196495 | |
freeclassifiedssites.com | 198980 | |
classified4free.net | 199065 |
Friday, 19 January 2018
Cheap Advertising
If you're reading this then you're among the millions of folks who are struggling to run a business online successfully. Sure it's easy to find a nice product to promote, get a snazzy sales funnel set up and even design a cool looking website but all of this is pointless without one thing - good advertising. Without advertising you're not going to get any clicks, leads or sales whatsoever. You could blow a small fortune on PPC (pay per click) advertising with the search engines or social media but then in the end you're probably going to spend more money on ads than you'll make in profit. So what can a small online business owner do to succeed?
Well you've probably heard it a thousand times, the best form of advertising online is organic advertising. What is organic advertising? This means advertising that didn't cost you anything such as being in the first few pages of Google search results. Of course the problem there is how to get your site listed in the organic results. There's lots of ways and I'm sure just like myself, any online marketer has bumped into all the gurus over the years promising that their "secret sauce" is the only way to get listed in Google's organic search results. The truth is, there is no silver bullet for getting listed. In fact Google has changed their search algorithm hundreds of times since its inception. This makes it hard to nail down a "system" that actually works. However, when you break it all down to basics, Google is just like any other marketing effort, whether it be online or offline. They need to deliver relevant results so that they can improve their customer experience. So how do they do this? Simply put, they gauge your website's popularity and authority based on your overall presence on the internet, where you hang around, who you speak to and who's talking about you. So this means, where your website hangs around (your back links - what site is showing links to your site) and your social media footprint.
Now I'm not going to talk about social media in this article but I can tell you that backlinks are the other half of the formula. Where can you get good backlinks? Well first of all they have to be relevant meaning that you're posting your website on sites that are actually relevant to your niche otherwise they're considered spammy and search engines frown on that sort of practice. So for example if you're selling dog grooming services then you're going to want to post your website on social pages, message forums and any other place where people are talking about their dogs. Now this is the beauty of free classified advertising websites. 1) You don't need permission to post your link on them 2) You don't have to pay anything to post an ad on them. But the only problem is that in order to make free classified ads a viable advertising solution, you have to post ads in massive quantities.
The benefits to posting on free classified websites are huge. Firstly, online classified sites are old, very old in fact some of them have been around since 1997. This means these websites are very well established with the search engines and your ad and website url are sure to get indexed. Also, people use classified ad sites to find products and services, believe it or not they're not just for advertising your old bicycle for sale. These sites have ads in categories such as business services, lawyers, accountants etc.. However, it's important to remember that these sites each have thousands of pages so in order to increase your exposure you have to post on literally thousands of classified ad websites.
Ok, so now we're coming up to the part about the cheap advertising...Using a classified ad submission service, you can post your classified ad to thousands of classified ad websites every month for one fixed fee. In fact this site will post your ad to over 500,000 classified ad websites for just $39. There's real results in this folks, I'm not only promoting it but I'm also using it and IT WORKS! The beauty about this type of advertising is that not only is it cheap but it also creates a permanent organic footprint for your business on all the search engines long after you stop using it... talk about the gift that keeps on giving! :-)
Thursday, 18 January 2018
Do Classified Ads Still Work?
With social media and all the other free advertising options around, people ask me if posting an ad for your business on a free classified website still works. The fact remains that any kind of online post works because Google looks at everything when it's deciding how to rank your site. Whether you're posting on social media, in a YouTube comment, a blog, a message forum or even a free classified website you still get the one thing that every online marketer can appreciate - backlinks!
What are backlinks? Simply put, they are links to your site posted on other sites. So what's the big deal about those? Well virtually any search engine on earth uses them to gauge your site's popularity and authority which is useful when they're deciding which site out of the billions out there to list in the first few pages of results. I don't have to tell you how important it is to be in those first few pages.
Other than valuable backlinks, posting an ad for your business on free classified websites will also get you leads and sales. Why? Very simply because people actually visit those sites to look for services and products just like yours. So why aren't you posting ads for your business on free classified sites then? If you're like most folks now days that's because you just don't have the time to post your ad on enough of these free sites to make it viable. But don't dismay, there's a best kept secret in this industry and it's called a classified ad submission service.
How can a classified ad submission service help you? Simple, they post your ads to thousands of classified ad websites so you don't have to. Are these services expensive? Well if you can't afford to pay 30 or 40 bucks to get your ad submitted to thousands of sites automatically then you're probably wasting your time running a business in the first place.
Click Here To Find Out More About Using a Classified Submission Service For Your Business Ads
What are backlinks? Simply put, they are links to your site posted on other sites. So what's the big deal about those? Well virtually any search engine on earth uses them to gauge your site's popularity and authority which is useful when they're deciding which site out of the billions out there to list in the first few pages of results. I don't have to tell you how important it is to be in those first few pages.
Other than valuable backlinks, posting an ad for your business on free classified websites will also get you leads and sales. Why? Very simply because people actually visit those sites to look for services and products just like yours. So why aren't you posting ads for your business on free classified sites then? If you're like most folks now days that's because you just don't have the time to post your ad on enough of these free sites to make it viable. But don't dismay, there's a best kept secret in this industry and it's called a classified ad submission service.
How can a classified ad submission service help you? Simple, they post your ads to thousands of classified ad websites so you don't have to. Are these services expensive? Well if you can't afford to pay 30 or 40 bucks to get your ad submitted to thousands of sites automatically then you're probably wasting your time running a business in the first place.
Click Here To Find Out More About Using a Classified Submission Service For Your Business Ads
List Of Free Classified Ad Websites
Post For Free On These 20 Classified Ad Websites In The USA
Here's 20 of the best and busiest Free Online
Classified Websites I have found so far. You Can post your classified ads for
free on these 20 US sites below:
Advertise For Free On Classified Websites
In the list I have compiled below you will be able to post your ad for free. If you're just trying to get rid of an old laptop or coffee table then you can just post ads easily enough by yourself. However, if you're looking to promote a business with free classified ads then posting manually might present a daunting task. If you're thinking of promoting your business or website with free classified ads then I recommend using a Classified Ad Submission Service.
In the list I have compiled below you will be able to post your ad for free. If you're just trying to get rid of an old laptop or coffee table then you can just post ads easily enough by yourself. However, if you're looking to promote a business with free classified ads then posting manually might present a daunting task. If you're thinking of promoting your business or website with free classified ads then I recommend using a Classified Ad Submission Service.
List Of 20 Free USA Classified Websites
3 Reasons You Should
Be Advertising Your Business With FREE Classified Ads
You're Reaching People Who Are Actively
For Your Products/Services
People Reading Your Ads Are Already
a Buying Mood
3. It's FREE!
12 Tips To Help You Get More Sales From Your Classified Ads
1. Understand What The Goal Of Your Classified
Ad Is- Is the goal to make your classified ad to list
a long list of boring features of your product or
service? No, your goal is to get the prospect to call
you, email you or click the link to your website.
Once you have your goal firmly in your mind then your ad
will start taking shape nicely.
Ad Is- Is the goal to make your classified ad to list
a long list of boring features of your product or
service? No, your goal is to get the prospect to call
you, email you or click the link to your website.
Once you have your goal firmly in your mind then your ad
will start taking shape nicely.
2. Get Their Attention ★ ★ With The Headline!
The first thing your prospect will see is the
headline. You must distinguish yourself from the
hundreds of similar text ads on the page.
One way is through the use of symbols. Here is a
list of eye-catching symbols that you can use in
your headlines to catch your prospect’s attention
and distinguish yourself from the other boring text
only classified ads.
The technical term is “ASCII Symbol”, if you use
some of the corresponding ASCII codes below in
your classified ad titles, you too can have your ads
stand out in the sea of bland text ads.
The first thing your prospect will see is the
headline. You must distinguish yourself from the
hundreds of similar text ads on the page.
One way is through the use of symbols. Here is a
list of eye-catching symbols that you can use in
your headlines to catch your prospect’s attention
and distinguish yourself from the other boring text
only classified ads.
The technical term is “ASCII Symbol”, if you use
some of the corresponding ASCII codes below in
your classified ad titles, you too can have your ads
stand out in the sea of bland text ads.
Save Time - Use Auto Posting
Posting your ads for free on classified ad
websites is a great way to get loads of free traffic that keeps rolling in
while you sleep. However, doing this manually will only take you so far. Again,
I recommend using a professional classified
ad submission service to do this. This
one will submit your ads to over 500,000 classified websites all over the world
automatically every month for just 39 bucks... just visit
their site here. I mean how long do
you think it would take you to manually submit your ad to half a million
classified ad websites? Ya, I wouldn't even want to attempt it, I'm sure we all
have better things to do with our time ;-)
Anyway, there you have it...I hope you enjoy
my list.
Wednesday, 17 January 2018
How To Post Your Classified Ad To 500,000 Websites
Submitting classified ads is old school marketing which still works very well. The problem is that submitting ads by yourself every month can be very time consuming.
This problem has now been have solved for you with this new classified ads submission service.
Visit-->> http://www.classifiedsubmissions.net
Thousands of potential buyers are scouring the online classified ads each day looking for YOUR products and services.
Without a doubt, you WANT to have your ads listed with as MANY classified ads sites as possible. The problem is that it's tedious and time consuming submitting and resubmitting your ad to the appropriate categories and sub categories each month.
Every site is built differently and they all require different criteria making the task of submitting ads a very frustrating experience to say the least. Most marketers never reach their full potential with classified ad advertising simply because of the time and effort it takes to constantly post ads.
We have compiled a nice list of classified ads sites here if you wish to post your ads manually.
Have fun!
Most people go nuts after just a few tedious submissions. Here's a better alternative:
Let Us Post Your Classified Ads For You Each Month To Thousands
Of Websites Giving Your Ad Exposure To Thousands Of Potential Customers.
Visit-->> http://www.classifiedsubmissions.net
Wishing You The Best Success,
Bill Rapanos
The Classified Ad Guy
This problem has now been have solved for you with this new classified ads submission service.
Visit-->> http://www.classifiedsubmissions.net
Thousands of potential buyers are scouring the online classified ads each day looking for YOUR products and services.
Without a doubt, you WANT to have your ads listed with as MANY classified ads sites as possible. The problem is that it's tedious and time consuming submitting and resubmitting your ad to the appropriate categories and sub categories each month.
Every site is built differently and they all require different criteria making the task of submitting ads a very frustrating experience to say the least. Most marketers never reach their full potential with classified ad advertising simply because of the time and effort it takes to constantly post ads.
We have compiled a nice list of classified ads sites here if you wish to post your ads manually.
Have fun!
Most people go nuts after just a few tedious submissions. Here's a better alternative:
Let Us Post Your Classified Ads For You Each Month To Thousands
Of Websites Giving Your Ad Exposure To Thousands Of Potential Customers.
Visit-->> http://www.classifiedsubmissions.net
Wishing You The Best Success,
Bill Rapanos
The Classified Ad Guy
Why Use A Classified Ad Submission Service
Should You Use A Classified Ad Submission Service?
First off,
submitting classified ads manually is a waste of your time. Time that you could
be using towards making more money for your primary business. Using a
classified ad submission service to submit your ads automatically is the
smarter way to go for sure. Other than the time benefit of streamlining the
process, using a classified as submission service will also greatly increase
the chance of your ads getting approved. In this article, we'll take a look at
the top 5 reasons why you should be using a classified ad submission service.
1. By Using
A Classified Ad Submission Service You'll Save Time!
Classified ads are still one of the most economical and most effective ways to
drive traffic and generate sales for your website. Classified ads attract visitors who are
actively searching for your product or service. They are already in a buying
mentality. This means they're more likely to purchase something than people
just surfing for information or freebies.
2. A
Classified Ad Submission Service will
Automatically Re-Submit Your Ads
There are
several downsides people face when submitting classified ads manually, one of
which is the run-length. Depending on the classified site, most classified ads
will expire after a 30-day period. Once that period is up, you're forced to
manually renew or create new ads. Some people might not have a problem with
this but when you have to manually renew hundreds of ads every so often, this
can quickly become a serious time waster not to mention a tedious task. A legitimate
classified ad submission service will automatically renew everything necessary
to keep your ads running for as long as you want.
3. You Can
Create Valuable Backlinks To Your Site With A Classified Ad Submission Service
No one
knows the magic formula to achieving top search engine rankings, but most
people will agree that backlinks are one of the most important factors. In
fact, it's proven that both the number of backlinks and the quality of sites
they come from are two of the most important factors which can greatly affect
your authority and rankings in the search engines.
A classified adsubmission service can help you achieve higher rankings by generating
tons of backlinks from high traffic volume classified ad websites. These
backlinks will not only generate traffic from shoppers directly clicking on
your link, but your website will also benefit by naturally ranking higher in
the search engines, resulting in an increased volume of website visitors
4. Get Your
Ad In Front Of Prospects Who Are In A Buying Mentality - Classified Ad
Submissions Deliver Super Targeted Prospects
No matter
what you're selling, you need traffic in order to be successful. There are lots
of different ways to get traffic to your website, but you'll find most are
either too costly or simply junk or fake traffic. Have you ever seen those
advertisements from traffic brokers offering to sell you 5,000 or 10,000
visitors for $10 or $20? Most of these places will slam your site with
low-quality traffic, most likely not even from real human visitors. This is why
more than 90% of customers who purchase this type of bulk traffic never go back
to buy more.
Classified Ad Submission Service- A
High-Quality And Low-Cost Alternative To Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC)
Lots of new
advertisers try their luck with Google Adwords. Their pay-per-click (PPC)
program is one of the oldest and best in the industry, serving millions of
different types of advertisers all over the world. But while their traffic is
high-quality, unless you're a company with deep pockets you'll quickly find
that this option is far too expensive to be sustainable. Depending on the
keyword(s) and position you're targeting, you could face pricing exceeding $2
or $3 per click. Get just a couple hundred clicks a day and that's one hefty
advertising bill.
classified ad submission service offers you high-quality traffic at a low flat
rate cost. If you're currently spending hundreds every month on Adwords or
other similar advertising programs, just think of the money you'll save by
switching to online classified ads!
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